Portland Crime


Generally things in Portland – and especially in my residential, suburbia neighborhood – are nice and quiet and that’s how we like it, especially with the little ones.  But of course, as we all know too well unfortunately, no city is completely crime-free. 

I know that crime exists, and I also know that there are very sick people everywhere.  But I guess I hadn’t heard about the two men who had been accused of sexually molesting little boys.  That really hit home, especially given that I’ve got two boys of my own.  Anyway apparently they were arrested a year ago but sentencing was only passed just now at the US Federal Court, Medford.  They got pretty substantial punishments, so that was at least something.  It seems they will be in prison for more than 25 years and then, after that, will have a 20-year term of supervised release.

Still, I like to focus on the nice things about where I live and this was a bit unsettling.  I guess that’s why – as much as I can – I avoid the news. But Daniel happened to be reading the local newspaper and I saw him look a little troubled so I asked him what it was about.

Let’s hope there’s some good news to counter this in the next few days.  Sorry to have been a bit of a downer today…hope you are privy to some nice news, wherever you are.



Finding a Pediatrician

Thankfully my kids are rarely sick. During the winter months they’ll of course pick stuff up from play-dates and pre-schools and get the odd sniffle or two, but other than that we hardly ever have to see a doctor. Oh, apart from the fact that Ethan sometimes teethes so bad, we often mistake it for something more. Still, Daniel said it was high time we find a pediatrician for the kids and I knew he was right.

So I checked out Pediatric Associates of the North West with which I was really impressed. From green-based clinic services (which is definitely my philosophy) to a whole slew of medical advisers, pediatricians, practice nurses and more, this is really going to be a great and easy option for my kids if/when the need arises.

Unwinding with a Cuppa Joe

We’d had a great weekend with the kids but then I was really craving some “us” time just with Daniel.  It so happened my sitter Donna was available last minute, so we said we’d just be gone for a couple of hours and she was fine with that.  The kids were watching TV and falling asleep anyway and she just adores them so it was mellow when we left the house. 

Of course we went to our favorite haunt, the Floyd’s Coffee Shop on SE Morrison Street. It’s just great there.  The coffee is excellent – they serve Stumptown Coffee.  This is really important for Daniel who seems to think sleep is over-rated, a trait our second-born has unfortunately inherited.  I love the soup bread there.

So we were there for just over an hour and it was just great chilling, people-watching and ending our weekend on a mellow note.  What a great kick-start to the work-week ahead.

Getting Away with Alcohol!

It’s always good to get away.  No matter how much I like living in Portland, it’s just fun to do something different and get away from the humdrum of my day-to-day existence.  So Daniel said to get the kids ready; get Galvin set to drop off at the kennels and we would take a nice drive somewhere that included a bit of alcohol (in the form of sophisticated wine-tasting of course) that would also be kid-friendly.  It sounded absolutely perfect so I enthusiastically packed all our bags without any complaining.

A little more than an hour after we set off, with Ethan sleeping peacefully in the back and Jayden watching Blues Clues on the iPad fixed to the back of my head rest, we arrived at Pheasant Valley’s Bed & Breakfast and Winery.  It was absolutely stunning.  I couldn’t have chosen anything better if I would have planned it myself.  I was truly delighted and thrilled with Daniel’s choice.  Right smack bang in the middle of Columbia River Gorge, the atmospheric air was wonderful for the kids too and I immediately put a smile on my face.

On Friday night after a delicious wholesome, hearty home-cooked meal, we got a babysitter and went walking.  I love window-shopping so we did a lot of that and then just enjoyed the scenery.  We got back at around 9 and took in an early night so we could be up full of energy for the active day ahead.

We started with kayaking (the boys LOVED it), then Daniel took Jayden fishing (he was a little bit interested!) while I put Ethan in the baby-carrier and went walking.  Later on Daniel went river-rafting and the kids and I enjoyed a bowl of French onion soup.  Both kids passed out for around 2 hours Saturday afternoon, leaving Daniel and me free to enjoy a tasting of some of the most excellent wines to have ever graced my palette.

Thankfully we had used the online booking facility to reserve our spot at the Indian Creek Golf Course which Jayden got a real kick out of watching.  He even “helped” Daniel putt a few holes and really had a good time.  I was just busy chasing Ethan around the gorgeous greenery.  Later that night we took the kids to a restaurant in Hood RiverRiverside, located on E. Marina Way, which was a little pricey, but we felt worth it – especially as the kids had a blast.

We drove back this morning and now the kids are settled in their room playing with their toys.  They had a great time for sure, but I think they are pleased to be back.  As I always say, there’s simply no place like home.  Now I just have to brace myself for the working week ahead.

Ethan and The Dog

One thing I’ve forgotten to mention so far in this blog (and don’t tell Daniel – he won’t be pleased) is our dog Galvin.  The reason Daniel will be less-than-happy is because he sees him as “the first born.”  And, in a sense, he’s right.  Galvin was a rescue dog we found as a puppy when we were engaged (he was sooo cute; “he still is,” I hear Daniel yelling in the background) and he’s been with us ever since.

Anyway, sometimes I do feel a bit bad about my neglect of Galvin since having the kids.  He used to blink and I would think he was a genius.  Now I hardly even notice if he’s thrown up a hairball! So yesterday I decided that first Ehtan, Galvin and I would take a long walk (yes, Ethan still fits in the Ergo Baby Carrier – knowing he’s my last kid I just can’t seem to give it up yet).  I left Jayden in Daniel’s office to watch Toy Story 3 so the three of us could bond. It was a beautiful, sunny – somewhat crisp – d y as well.

After a while it looked like Galvin was getting a bit tired from the walk so we got home and went into the car to buy Galvin a toy.  I figured he deserved something nice.  The kids are always getting new stuff.  So I checked the Internet for local dog stores and went along to All For Paws.  I chose some really cool stuff for him there – actually, it was him who chose the stuff; he went over to the toys and treats he liked and stayed in place for a while so I picked them up for him. 

Now I don’t need to feel bad for putting him in the kennels when we go to Daniel’s parents for the weekend. Besides, they look sort of nice to me from the site – maybe he’ll even have a good time and feel more spoiled there!

Here’s to a grand weekend for us all!