“Going Green” is the catchword of the times. But even with the best of intentions, many people are not sure how to actually integrate green technology and good environmental habits into their homes and daily lives. To help you help the planet, we’ve brought you a few recommendations on how to make your house more green.
1. Buy Green Appliances: Your refrigerator can be any color you want – but check whether it has the “Energy Star” logo. Such appliances use between ten and fifty percent less energy and water than their non-environmentally friendly counterparts. Since the fridge is one of the biggest users of energy in the home, an efficient one can really help you cut down on your electricity bill as well.
2. Keep Cool: Nearly half the energy consumed in the home is due to heating and cooling. So keep it a bit cooler in winter and hotter in the summer and you’ll save both energy and money. A programmable thermostat can do this for you automatically. Continue reading Green Technology You Can Use
Month: November 2010
Mac Takes Over From Microsoft?
If you can remember all the way back to the year 2007, you might recall that the dominant operating system in the United States was what the omnipresent and all powerful Microsoft mega-company was offering. Then the universe changed and Apple set their iPhone loose on the market. Now Apple’s ubiquitous smartphone commands the vast majority of sales with Microsoft’s Windows Mobile operating system dragging behind miserably at about 3% of market share.
You have to hand it to Microsoft. They are bravely beginning their fight back up the market-share ladder with their latest and greatest smartphones using Windows Phone 7 software. These endowed phones went on sale first thing on Monday at AT&T stores throughout the country, including the HTC Surround and Samsung Focus. Continue reading Mac Takes Over From Microsoft?
Acne Home Remedies
Continue reading Acne Home Remedies